Friday, April 20, 2007

Top 10: Ways To Attract Her With Humor

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You’ve probably heard that HUMOR is something just about every woman looks for in a man, but when most guys try to be funny, they end up coming across as goofy or dorky. Not good. If you want to be a goofy, funny guy, get a joke book. But if you want to use humor to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, you need to learn a special type of humor I call “Cocky Comedy.” Here are 10 tips to get you started.
Number 10
Cocky Comedy defined
The purpose of Cocky Comedy isn’t to make a woman laugh -- it’s about making her feel ATTRACTION. Cocky Comedy is just the right mixture of cocky or arrogant and funny. Why this combination? Women aren’t attracted to lower-status men… and the cocky element implies you have high status. Healthy-minded women aren’t attracted to complete jerks either, and the comedy element keeps you out of the “complete jerk” category. If you can make a woman laugh at something you say that’s busting on her or is extremely arrogant-sounding, you’ve achieved a magical accomplishment. THAT is Cocky Comedy.
Number 9
Mess with her
When you mess with one of your friends but you sound serious, how does your friend know that you’re messing with him? It’s obvious because you’re being overly serious or “overly harsh” or “overreacting.” The problem is that most guys don’t do this stuff with women they don’t know… ESPECIALLY women they’re attracted to. But it’s critical that you switch the conversation from the normal mode to the “I’m messing with you” mode QUICKLY. don’t let the conversation stay too normal for too long before switching it up. To switch into this mode, give an overexaggerated compliment that can’t be real but seems way too serious; accuse her of stepping over the line and trying to pick you up in some way; complain about something in an overly serious way. Keep her on her toes and you’ll keep her interested.
Number 8
Bust her balls
Want to REALLY dial up the attraction? Bust a woman’s balls just like you bust on your buddies. Call her names like dork, brat and dude. If she WHINES about anything, mock her whining in an exaggerated and playful way. Interrupt her repeatedly, then be overly silent. Bust her balls just like she’s an old buddy of yours, and she’ll be blown away by your confidence and sense of humor.
Number 7
Use your bodyYour gestures, facial expressions and voice tone are all great Cocky Comedy tools. Push her into things as you’re walking. Hand her something but then don’t let go, and don’t grab something she’s handing to you. Steal her food or take the big piece. Swat her playfully with a magazine, napkin or whatever you can find. Thumb wrestle, tickle her… the possibilities here are endless.
Number 6
Never laugh to make her laugh
It sounds incredible, but most laughter ISN’T in response to something funny. We usually laugh when we’re seeking someone’s approval -- even if what the other person said isn’t all that funny. Men try to force a woman to give him this approval by saying something that’s supposed to make her laugh, and then laughing at his own joke in hopes he’ll get her to laugh too (and so give him the approval he’s looking for). But all this does is communicate to her that he’s desperately seeking her approval… which is one of a woman’s BIGGEST TURNOFFS. Imagine a guy laughing at his own joke, and the woman is looking around for some kind of distraction so she can pretend that the guy she’s with isn’t as much of a DORK as he seems to be. DON’T BE THAT GUY. Never laugh to try to make a woman laugh in return.
Number 5
Hold your laughter to amplify attraction
Women are attracted to higher-status males. So how does a woman tell if she’s talking to one? If she catches herself seeking HIS approval, and he never seeks HER approval, then she unconsciously knows that she’s dealing with a higher-status man. And she’ll reward that man with mating opportunities. That’s where Cocky Comedy comes in. When you make a woman laugh (which is her seeking your approval), but not laugh yourself (which communicates that YOU don’t need HER approval), you’ll create and AMPLIFY her attraction to you. It’s an unconscious communication she can’t help but respond to.
Number 4
Learn the Cocky Comedy character
Most guys who naturally use Cocky Comedy aren’t TRYING to be funny, and they’re definitely not seeking approval -- they’re being the CHARACTER. The character is where 90% of the humor flows from. So what is the character? If you catch yourself thinking, “She’s just trying to get me into bed" and “What’s in it for me?" or if you're sarcastically encouraging her bad behavior or imitating her silly quirks, then you’ve got the character. When you do, you’ll find that Cocky Comedy will happen almost automatically, and so will a woman’s attraction for you.
Number 3
When something works… turn it upAs you start to use Cocky Comedy, you’ll notice women react to you in new and different ways. When they do, it’s time to TURN IT UP A NOTCH. So if a woman is acting fake mad, say, “You love me and you know it.” If a woman playfully hits your shoulder, say “Hey, you just hit me… just like a little girl on the playground hitting a boy she likes… you love me, and it’s OBVIOUS.”
Number 2
Avoid these common mistakes
Too much funny and she’ll see you as goofy or dorky. Too much cocky and she’ll see you as an A-hole, a jerk or an insecure guy. Don’t mistake an outright putdown for being cocky. And never do Cocky Comedy to impress women or show off; you’ll make yourself look like a dumb-ass.
Number 1
Fill your toolbox with OTHER tools tooAlthough Cocky Comedy is one of the most POWERFUL strategies I’ve come across for creating attraction in a woman, it’s a mistake to think that it’s everything or, for that matter, to think that ANYTHING is everything when it comes to attracting a woman. Cocky Comedy is a lethal tool, don’t get me wrong, but don’t rely on Cocky Comedy to create attraction all by itself. You must overcome your insecurities, polish up your personality quirks and learn to control your body language -- and many other things -- if you want to really take advantage of the power that this technique and way of thinking has to offer.
Yuna's opinion
1. I like men who makes me laugh!
2. Who are not afraid to be what they are
3. Ambitious but whatever it is
4. Confident
5. Respect ladies no matter what
6. Easy going...makes ladies more comfortable to be with
Hmmm... I'll leave the other 4s up to you guys!
giving you the changes to prowl...ha..ha..ha..ha...

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