Saturday, April 14, 2007

Of Myths and Boys

Time to demystify all those stereotypical deep-rooted age-old cliches you know about guys!

Guys are commitment-phobic

REALITY: Not all guys are afraid of commitment. Those that are could have a myriad of reasons for being so...freedom issues, lack of trust or they're simply not ready to commit.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Committing to someone is serious business and shouldn't be taken lightly. If you thinkall guys are commitment-phobes, take a good look aroundand you'll find that they can be very committed creatures. It might not necessarily be to a relationship but other things such as school, family, friends and fanatical hobbies such as video games! If you want him to commit to you, give himsome space and time. He'll come around once he's ready.

Guys love it when you play hard to get

REALITY: The "does-she-or-doesn't-she-like-me" game can be exciting at first but it gets stale pretty fast.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: For anyone, the thrill of the chase is fun. More so for the guy because it invokes their natural "hunting" instincts. He will try to interpret your little innuendos at first but after awhile, he will tire of the games and eventually, you. Think about it for a second (and this will make perfect sense). Guys are not stupid and most see through our little shenanigans, anyway. Nowadays, more and more guys find it attractive when agirl makes the first move. But if you insist your guy do the marathon, just make sure there's afinish line and you're the prize.
Guys only want to date Jessica Alba (or someone who look like her!)
REALITY: Looks do matter but only to a certain extent.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Of course, it would'nt hurt if you had a supermodel's body, but it's not a pre-requisite. If you can't carry on a decent intelligent conversation, what's the point? You can attract a guy with with your stunning good looks but what keeps them attracted is your personality, energy, values, passion, sense of humour, integrity and confidence. Looks wear off with old age. What will get a man hooked is how you carry yourself and all the positive traits you exude. Attitude is everything!
Guys are possessive
REALITY: They're not possessive, just protective.
Guys are instinctively protective over things that are valuable to them. They never want anything to threaten it and guys are always on the lookout for danger. They love you and don't want to lose you. However, you (and him) need to know that there's a different between being protective and overly possessive. Never allow him to control, manipulate or take away your freedom.
Guys don't listen because they don't care
REALITY: Men can't listen like women, they communicate differently.
Women talk to organise thoughts and seek empathy. Men talk to communicate ideas. And yes, some of them do have a short attention span so when you natter on and on, they will tune out. We also tend to think that they immediatelyget what we're trying to say but it's not always the case. When you communicate with your partner, talk in adirect and straightforward manner. Don't beat around the bush. Tellhim that it's important to you that he pays attention. Ask him nicely to see if he comprehends what you've told him. If he still insists on not hearing you out (especially if it's pertaining to important issues), maybe you'd like to consider him history. Sorry......
Boys can't dance
REALITY: Robbie Williams performs on stage in Hyde Park, London. He never had a problem shaking it!
Boys don't cry
They do, in their own way...not in the open anyway.
Actor Freddie Prinz Jr. tears up as he speaks during a posthumous star dedication ceremony for his father, Freddie Prinze.
(Oh sweet!)
Boys don't show emotion
Westlife's Kian Egan wipes away a tear at a press conference announcing Bryan McFadden departure.
BOTTOM LINE Myths become myths because they do contain some elements of truth, but they are rarely the whole truth! A single myth on its own may seem insignificant but combine them and they will eventually destroy the relationship you're trying to build.

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