Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women

Last night a guy requested on tips for dating. Well, here it goes tiger!
What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women.

It's a fact that women love confidence. But how can a guy gain this confidence and convey it to women?
The frame that works best for attracting women can be summed up in three words: It's Always On.To really be successful with women, you must be so confident that anything she says or does is proof that she is attracted to you.So how can you take on this powerful attitude for yourself?Here are some techniques that you can use to become a more confident guy:
1. Become "principle centered" instead of validation centered
If you come from a place of honesty, trust, respect, integrity, and loyalty, you will always be confident because you will always know you are doing the right thing.
2. Prescribe the symptom
This technique is from Milton Erickson, the famous therapist and hypnotist, whom I admire greatly.Take control of your shyness by deciding in advance to deliberately be shy when you go out. This gives you a sense of control over the emotion. You'll find that the next time you go out, you will be able to control the emotion and feel more confident.
3. Earn confidence through self-knowledge
When you truly understand yourself and what you want out of life, and know exactly who you are, it is a huge source of confidence.What is your mission in life?
4. Be cool
People become "cool" when they no longer fear other people's disapproval, or, said another way, when you are no longer seeking other people's approval.Find your own path in life and stick to it. Do what's right for you, no matter what anyone else has to say.
What Yuna think?
Apart from the above's tips
1. Just be yourself
The girls are more interested in getting to know you...not Mr Bean or Brat Pitt or Orlando Bloom
2. Clean up yourself
Can't imagine dating a guy that smells and scruffy looking unless he prefers smelly and messy-looking girls as well (ha..ha.ha..)
3. Be honest
My name is James Wong! (no..no...not James Bond!). I'm a Sales Agent ( No..no..not secret agent). bla..bla..bla...the truth ...the whole truth..nothing but the whole truth!
4. Be humble
Girls are crazy over guys humbility attitude
5. Don't over do it
I love your eyes..it is like a burning sapphire (Duh..???what??)
I only drive Mercedes or a Jaguar or BMW (Drive it to the wall please!!)
Don't laugh but Yuna has seen this gig on the street before like "May I carry your hangbag?" (that is so sissy and full of phoney..might as well he carry her cash vault!)
Too much jokes...when dating a little casual jokes are ok but not laughing your head off exposing your unkept cavity...oh dear..!
Whatever it is...just don't over do it!
6. No flirting or sex talk
Definately a BIG NO! And a BIG TURN OFF! DISASTER!
This is about dating ...not monkeying!
Unless you're a wolf looking for a wolverine
Have fun tiger!

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