Monday, July 2, 2007

Acceptable Female Demands

By Stephanie Eldred

Dating is all about give and take, and relationships are a constant compromise. Women are always going to have demands, but some might take it too far and expect unreasonable levels of maintenance. High-maintenance women are pretty easy to spot, and can be worth the trouble sometimes, even though the upkeep might drive you to the brink on occasion. Obviously, making your girl happy is vital to your relationship, but it's in your best interest to decide just how much is too much and make sure to keep her expectations and demands in check.

It's one thing to feel like her knight in shining armor and quite another to feel like her constant caretaker. To win with a high-maintenance woman -- or any woman for that matter -- without becoming a slave to her demands, it's vital that you maintain a little flexibility rather than steadfastly refusing to negotiate. Putting your foot down might make you feel manly and in charge, but it might also make you feel that way… all by yourself. Keep reading to spot the differences between high maintenance and regular maintenance and learn what's reasonable for her to expect and what isn't.

She wants a chauffeur at her beck and call
It's acceptable to expect to keep your chauffeur cap on ice in situations where you aren't accompanying her on her outing. But when you're on your way out together it's fine to do the driving if not exclusively, then at least a lot of the time. So, will you drive when the two of you are headed to a friend's party? Sure. Will you pick her up at home and drop her off for a day of shopping with the girls? Nope. However, there are exceptions: If she puts in a request for a specific reason, like a lift home from the dentist after a root canal for example, then obviously your boyfriend duty is to comply.

She wants you to run domestic errands
Relationships are a partnership and errand distribution should reflect that equality. Household to-do lists and joint tasks are best served in a fair rotation or with a planned balancing act. If she hates taking out the garbage and you hate ironing, then by all means make a deal that those are your personal chores, with each of you opting for tasks that you prefer or are just plain more suited to. For the more mundane, like groceries or dry-cleaning, a weekly rotation is the best way to avoid an argument. And yes, she is allowed to complain if you "forget" your half of the bargain and drop the ball if it happens on more than just an occasional basis.

She wants you to hang out with her friends… all the time
As much as you may like her friends or not, a fair social time split is important to make sure you don't alienate your buddies and risk winding up with no friends of your own. It isn't acceptable for her social life to automatically become your social life. Each of you has the right to expect time with your own friends, either as a couple or alone. If she has a problem with your social circle, it's fine to try staging activities that you know she'll enjoy regardless of the company, like a concert or have her invite her friends to come along -- the more the merrier. If she really puts her foot down and refuses to play fair, it's well within your rights to let her know that you'll be heading out with the guys and she's welcome to join you if she changes her mind -- just be sure not to tip the balance in the other direction by ignoring her pals in favor of your own.

She wants you to buy her tampons
There are exceptions to every rule when it comes to keeping your lady taken care of: The unholy alliance of PMS and a woman in need of tampons is a very significant one. This combination only supersedes all other advice regarding standing your ground and not being bossed around if the circumstances are indeed dire. Forcing you to make this kind of purchase in your regular shopping trip to keep your house well-stocked for her visits isn't dire -- it's laziness on her part. Dire is when she's three days early at your place and completely unprepared. In those cases, yes, you have to go. And yes, you have to be sure to get the exact kind she likes to avoid all hell breaking loose. Pick up some Hershey's Kisses too while you're there. Trust us on this one.

She expects royal treatment without ever footing the bill
High-maintenance women often assume that price stickers are akin to quality markers or that your spending is in direct correlation to your feelings for her. While you don't want to come off sounding cheap, your monthly credit card statement might beg to differ. For big-ticket items, like a vacation, it's acceptable to expect that costs will be shared equally. For other occasions, depending on your respective income levels, it's assumed that the person doing the inviting will pay. She invites you to her cousin's wedding, she'll pay for the night's accommodation out of town. You invite her to a concert, the tickets are up to you.

She wants hours in bed devoted to her pleasure only
It's fine to focus on your lover and put them ahead of yourself… but not if it's one-sided all the time. Keep her on her toes by varying the routine. Make requests or wait for her to make the first move. Forcing her to take some initiative and actively playing a role in the course of your intimate encounters may help to shelve her selfishness. Keep in mind that your girl might also be self-conscious or timid in the bedroom, so make sure to give back plenty of positive reinforcement when she does things that drive you wild, and you'll be sure to see more of the same.

Curb the princess effect
Whether your girl is high maintenance or just looking for standard girlfriend rights, your relationship won't survive unless you find ways to satisfy her needs while still avoiding being a doormat. If you find yourself caving in to irrational demands, just remember that the upkeep she is demanding is a choice, a choice for how she wants to live, but that doesn't mean that you have to play along. If she isn't willing and able to provide the things she demands for herself, it isn't necessarily best to provide them for her.

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