Friday, May 25, 2007

5 ways to get more adoration now!

He'll be worshipping the ground you walk on

Ten per cent of men never say "I love you" and when they do, it often takes a super-human effort. But little tricks can accelerate his adoration." Emotional therapist, Jane Long explains how.
Arouse his protective side
"Men love to feel they're shielding you from the big bad world, so don't be afraid to drop your guard occasionally and let him look after you, say, if you're ill. It'll make him see you need him, so he'll be happier to admit to his ‘character fault.'"
Ration yourself
"If you're like his prettier, stubble-free shadow, he'll start taking you for granted. Don't play daft ‘hard-to-get' games; just limit the time you spend with him, so when he does see you, he's overwhelmed with affection."
It's all in the delivery
"Men respond better if you do it light-heartedly, rather than an intense, gazing-deep-into-his-eyes way. And never ever demand he says it back. The next time you're both acting like big kids, just slip it into conversation, give him a peck and carry on with what you were doing. That way he won't feel under pressure, which men are generally allergic to."
The ‘take it in turns' rule
"If it's usually you who starts the ball rolling, bite your tongue. Make yourself a promise that he has to say it first every other time. If that means you don't hear it for weeks, so be it. He'll subconsciously miss you saying it and will feel the urge."
Drop the hints
"If all these ploys fail, simply say you'd like him to tell you he loves you more - some men just don't get hints! But also remember to notice the little things he does do that express it every day, whether it's making you a coffee while you laze in bed or spending hours trying to fix your damn hair straighteners."

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