Friday, May 25, 2007

5 ways to get more adoration now!

He'll be worshipping the ground you walk on

Ten per cent of men never say "I love you" and when they do, it often takes a super-human effort. But little tricks can accelerate his adoration." Emotional therapist, Jane Long explains how.
Arouse his protective side
"Men love to feel they're shielding you from the big bad world, so don't be afraid to drop your guard occasionally and let him look after you, say, if you're ill. It'll make him see you need him, so he'll be happier to admit to his ‘character fault.'"
Ration yourself
"If you're like his prettier, stubble-free shadow, he'll start taking you for granted. Don't play daft ‘hard-to-get' games; just limit the time you spend with him, so when he does see you, he's overwhelmed with affection."
It's all in the delivery
"Men respond better if you do it light-heartedly, rather than an intense, gazing-deep-into-his-eyes way. And never ever demand he says it back. The next time you're both acting like big kids, just slip it into conversation, give him a peck and carry on with what you were doing. That way he won't feel under pressure, which men are generally allergic to."
The ‘take it in turns' rule
"If it's usually you who starts the ball rolling, bite your tongue. Make yourself a promise that he has to say it first every other time. If that means you don't hear it for weeks, so be it. He'll subconsciously miss you saying it and will feel the urge."
Drop the hints
"If all these ploys fail, simply say you'd like him to tell you he loves you more - some men just don't get hints! But also remember to notice the little things he does do that express it every day, whether it's making you a coffee while you laze in bed or spending hours trying to fix your damn hair straighteners."

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Men You Should Be Suspicious Of

How to know which men you should be suspicious of
Do you feel a pang of jealousy every time she heads out with her long-time guy friend? Or do you find yourself worrying that her cubicle is just a little too close to that handsome coworker of hers?
I certainly understand the inclination to feel protective of your woman. Being a guy yourself, you are all too familiar with man's predatory nature. So how do you distinguish between the dogs who are really out for your girl and those whose ill intentions are the product of your distorted imagination?
There's no single hard-and-fast rule, but there are certain guys you should be wary of, and certain guys you generally needn't stress over. The list below should clarify which men you should and shouldn’t be suspicious of. Remember: These are only guidelines, but they should give you a pretty good idea of when you should be on guard and when you can sleep easy at night.
1- The ex Who is he?
He has dated your girl in the past, but they managed to stay friends; or he’s an ex who has recently come back into her life. The ex is someone who has had a long, intimate history with your woman.
Should you be suspicious? Yes. People tend to look at the past through rose-colored glasses. So when the ex and your woman remember their past together, they may forget some of the reasons things didn’t work out. And, generally speaking, it’s easier to be intimate with someone you’ve already been with, so do keep an eye out. (Note: Just because exes in general can pose a threat, it doesn’t necessarily mean that hers does. Watch out for specific evidence before
2- The long-time friend Who is he?
He went to primary or high school with your woman, or maybe they were neighbors growing up. Either way, they’ve been friends forever and they know each other inside out.
Should you be suspicious? No. While the long-time friend may have a history with your woman, it has never been an intimate relationship. And if they’ve been friends all this time and never been together, it’s probably for a reason. One or both of them probably decided that it just wouldn’t work. So unless you have specific evidence that there is a romantic interest there, you probably have nothing to worry about.
3- The new friend Who is he?
He met your woman in an art or dance class. Or maybe they go jogging together. He's the guy who only recently came into her life and they’re spending an awful lot of time together.
Should you be suspicious? Yes. Make a mental note of his body language: Is he touchy-feely with her? Does he flirt generally? If they only recently met and are spending lots of time together (without you!), chances are he is going for the goal. Be on guard.
4- The coworker Who is he? They eat lunch and take their breaks together. They always seem to be working on that deadline together. They’re not only coworkers; they also seem to have a good rapport.
Should you be suspicious? Yes. Sitting next to each other at work doesn’t necessarily lead to temptation, but if two people get along well, spending all day together can certainly nurture the connection. Instead of being jealous of all male coworkers, just note if she seems to be spending all her time with one coworker in particular, talking to and about him -- only then will you have a valid reason to be suspicious.
5- The gay friend Who is he? They shop together, gossip and completely exclude you.
Should you be suspicious? No. You might be jealous of the time they spend together, but this is not the time to let your green-eyed monster show. Instead of worrying whether he’s gay or not, whether he might hit on her or that he’s taking too much of her time, befriend him and get him to like you. Like it or not, this man has a lot of influence over your woman. The chances of him making a pass at her? Slim to none.
6- The teacher Who is he? He is the yoga teacher who has taken a special interest in her spiritual growth, or her tennis teacher who has offered to give her free private lessons to brush up on her serve.
Should you be suspicious? Yes. She probably thinks he is being kind and has simply taken interest in her as a student. But you know better; most men would not give their time without an agenda, so be protective and on the defense.
keep your eyes peeled
Next time she heads out with her long-time friend, relax. By now you should have a pretty good idea of what kind of man you should be watching out for and what kind of guy is harmless to your relationship. After all, isn’t it better to save your jealous temper for when it’s really needed?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

6 Signals His Face Is Sending You


Cosmo uncovers the secret body-language clues that reveal your dude's deepest desires ‑- almost instantly.
Mention the words sharing and feelings in the same sentence and most guys ‑- yes, even if they're super comfortable with you ‑- will run to the nearest sports bar, where they can avoid using modern language entirely. "Men are taught to stifle emotion, so they often have trouble verbalizing their thoughts and feelings," explains psychologist Alon Gratch, Ph.D., author of If Men Could Talk.

But lucky for you, even if your guy won't open up, his mug will give him away. "The face is considered the most expressive body part because its muscles are linked to the emotional centers in the brain," says anthropologist David B.Givens, Ph.D., author of Love Signals. "The slightest shift in mood registers as a specific facial gesture, making it extremely difficult to conceal one's true feelings." Learn to decode these unconscious cues and you've got a window into his soul.
Here's how to tell when...

PAGE 1 OF 8 NEXT: He Needs Some Space
in this article
How to Read His Feelings Instantly
He Needs Some Space
He Wants to Get Naked
He Has Something to Tell You
He's Totally Whipped
He Has Something to Hide
He's Having Doubts
How to Talk with Your Face

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What Men Want at 20, 30 and 40

It's a fact. If you walk past a group of guys, they are physically unable to resist the urge to ogle. Ever wonder why are men such boys? Do they ever grow up and notice the inner woman? After all, beauty is only skin deep, and we want a man to admire us for more than a seductive arrangement of body parts. As a public service, I conducted a poll asking men at different stages of their lives what attracts them to a woman. Their answers were very ... educational.

"I'm a legs and butt man," says Andrew, a 23-year-old stockbroker. He explains, "My first thought when I see a woman is, 'Do I want to have sex with her?' That cuts out 70 percent right away. At this stage of my life I'm not particularly looking for anything long-lasting." That's probably because most male twenty-somethings have one burning desire: to build a successful career. In terms of women, well, the more the merrier. Men in their twenties want a pretty woman, an ornament on their arm to show their boss and the world: "Hey, I must be really cool to attract such a hot babe."

There's a hope at the end of this semi-shallow tunnel of youth: As men in their twenties age, they begin learning from experience. "You get knocked around a few times by women with big knockers and you realize a pretty face isn't everything," says 27-year-old Peter, a marketing consultant. "But I'm still initially attracted to someone's looks. So any busty blondes reading this can contact me through the Website. But I also want a woman who's sensitive because, hey, I got feelings."

Jim, a comic, recalls, "When I was seven I wanted a girl who could make a good sand castle. At 17, she just had to be stacked. At 27, she couldn't want to be my wife. Now that I'm 30 I want somebody sane and stable. The bottom line: While a cute tush still makes my head turn, it's the gray matter that keeps me interested."

As he enters his thirties, a man's taste in women definitely changes. After the initial experimental stage where he dates a lot of people, he looks for a woman to fill certain roles, like wife and mother. Another way to put it: He's refining his taste. He knows he can't spend all his time in bed. The mid-to-late thirties are often the period when men give in to their urge to settle down. At 39, Paul, a computer consultant, is no longer looking to date, but to mate. "I want someone who looks like a good baby-maker, not an anorexic who's afraid to put a cookie in her mouth."

40: COMPANIONSHIPMen in this age range still think a roll in the hay is nice, but now they're more eager for substance. They want to be nurtured. If you're up for the job, the 40s man may be yours for the taking. Many of them are burnt out, making tons of money and lonely as hell because they have no one to share their success. Still not convinced? Listen to 41-year-old Stuart, a computer systems VP. "Now that I'm in my wise forties, I'm more interested in the character of the person than the package it comes in. Is she caring? Is she as giving as she is taking? Those are the questions I ask myself about the women I meet."

The aphrodisiac for Stuart, as for many over-40 men, is compatibility. If there isn't a certain comfort level with a woman at this stage of a man's life, a relationship can be very frustrating. Bob, a 41-year-old advertising executive, knows this frustration. "It would be easier to meet someone if my primary interest was looks. But if I don't connect with someone in a cerebral way, I lose interest fast. I want to be with someone who laughs at my jokes, who'll take care of me when I'm sick, and let me take care of her. This seems like a mission impossible."

Yes, the 40s man is sensitive, but he's also prone to mid-life crises and heavy-duty alimony payments. Find this disheartening? Just keep in mind that some of the most compatible love matches are between older women and younger men. Why? These two age grooves are actually the most sexually in sync of any combo out there. Coo-coo-ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson.

by Sherry Amatenstein

Top 8 Things You'll Never Hear A Man Say

8. Here honey, you use the remote.
7. You know, I'd like to see her again, but her breasts are just too big.
6. Ooh, Antonio Banderas and Brad Pitt? That's one movie I gotta see!
5. While I'm up, can I get you anything?
4. Sex isn't that important, sometimes I just want to be held.
3. Aww, forget Monday Night Football, let's watch Melrose Place.
2. Hey, let me hold your purse while you try that on.
1. We never talk anymore.